Friday 6th Oct. 1865.
My dear Papa,
I am afraid you must have thought me very careless & forgetful, to have been so long without writing to you, but do you know, I really do think the letter you speak of must have been lost, for I do not remember having one from you for a long time, nor does Johnnie remember one coming – We had a most splendid night for seeing the Eclipse – the sky was cloudless, and the moon shining brilliantly. I did not perceive any difference in the light, I suppose a portion only being covered would not produce such effect on it – We had a pretty sharp frost last night, which killed some of the more delicate flowers – but today the sun has been as hot as ever – quite oppressive – such great contrasts must be trying – We are having green peas still almost daily & very good ones too – and green artichokes &c – It surely is a very unprecedented season – what does it foretell? an equally cold winter? – one would say so, if there is any truth in the old idea that quantities of berries in Autumn meant a cold winter for there are such masses of them this year. I had a letter from Monie today – they do seem to be enjoying their visit very much: and had not yet fixed the day of their departure – We shall be expecting them here soon, I suppose – We are going to dine at a place about eight miles off. Borjay Tower, this evening, and tomorrow at the Castle again – that is the whole of our doings at present. The children are very well and merry. I took Jacky again to the man in Thornhill (Douglas) to try & get a better portrait of him, but it has turned out worse that [sic] the last I am afraid –
Good bye dear Papa, I am called away –
yr affate daughter
H. F. Talbot Esre.
Lacock Abbey