My dear Papa,
I got your letter this morning, and just write this line to say that we shall be very glad to see you here on Tuesday, if you come. We can now give you a warmer welcome, for the snow has entirely disappeared, and the fields have come out again, which is a ref relief, after the long frost – It has been raining a good deal today, otherwise I think I should almost have ventured out, one feels so anxious for a breath of air. I am glad to say my deafness went away suddenly last night, <ill. del.> with a sort of crack – after having lasted more than a week I am very glad of it as it made one feel so stupid – and I can now say I am almost rid of my cold – John is talking of going to Edinburgh soon – possibly tonight, so don’t be startled if you see him. I don’t think he will stay more than a day – but if he does not go immediately he will not go for a week or so – so either way, it will not interfere with your coming here. – and now I should think the sooner you can come, the better, for fear we should relapse into winter.
Will you tell Mama that I have been thrown back with my bills a good deal but now I have them all nearly arranged, & possibly I may ask her to settle some for me; if she does not mind Thank Ela for her illuminations Good bye, I have no time for more, but with love
I remain Yr affecte daughter