Feb. 11th 1867.
My dear Papa,
I don’t want to let today go by, without wishing you many happy returns of it – so I have got leave to write a few lines to you, but as I have a shocking pen, and it is not very convenient to write in one’s bed, I shall not be tempted to exceed in this way – I do not think I shall try to read or to write much for a little while, as I am afraid of trying my eyes, which don’t feel quite so strong as usual yet – but I want to tell you that I got your message through Monie, as well as Mama’s & Mamie’s letters on the same subject, and I think it would be a very great pity not to accept Emily Mundy’s offer. If I had heard nothing more of it, I meant to have written to consult you all as to whether one could propose it on the strength of what she had said to Monie in the Autumn. We propose that the name should be Mary- Emily. I suppose she will approve of that? We also think of asking Charles to be God father; the other God mother being still not quite settled though we think of asking John’s Aunt, who would like it I think. I will write to E. Mundy myself bye & bye
Love & a kiss to all & the same to yourself. from yr affecte daughter
The little woman is flourishing & her hair growing The others are well. John sends his love
H. F. Talbot, Esqr
13. Great Stuart Street