Dabton Thornhill
August 10th 1867
My dear Papa,
I wrote to Mama a day or two ago and addressed my letter to the Hotel at Heidelberg where they were staying: in case of their being detained there longer than they expected: at the same time I saw that I was going to write to you at Lucerne where I suppose you are. My previous letter to Lucerne has I hope come safe to hand long ago – We returned from our sea-side residence on Tuesday last, having had fine weather up to the day of our departure (Monday) when it poured uninteruptedly from morning till night – Tuesday was a beautiful day – since that it has been more or less dull & mild, with heavy showers often, which will, I am afraid interfere with the harvest. We have not seen or heard much of our neighbours as yet. Poor old Mrs <C?t> at Nith Bank had a fall two days ago which dislocated her shoulder, but she was pretty well, when I asked about her next day & I hope it will not have any serious effect on her general health. I have see no one else, except some of the Gladstone family – We ascertained that the Drumlanrig party are to be late this year in coming – very likely the grouse have something to do with this, as they are very scarce indeed and I suppose the gentlemen do not care to come, if there is no shooting I am afraid it will be a great disappointment to Noel Mundy, as this is the first hear he has come to Scotland for the purpose of grouse shooting. I mean to write to them to come here when it suits them, but I think it will probably be the end of Autumn before they come. I do not think we found any more interesting plants since I last sent you a small bit of list to add to the first one – June and July are the best months for the wild flowers after that they begin to get scarce. The garden here is looking much better than last year, the flowers, more showy & more abundant – and I am glad to find the new standard roses which we planted last Autumn all in flower and only three dead out of a good number. – I wonder whether you are getting any <more?> plants where you are. I don’t suppose you will find any new ones, for I dare say you hunted them all up long ago – but it must be pleasant to meet with them again – I hope you contrive to have good weather. Rosamond wrote to me last and I think she fully appreciates the Rhine Scenery – which I always thought I should feel disappointed in as one has heard so much about it always – but I hope they will all soon be able to join you in Switzerland, which I am sure will agree much better with them all; though as they had to stop & rest a little, I dare say Heidelberg was as good a place as any to be detained in – Johnnie is gone to the Rifle Competition at Langholm, he went yesterday, & I expect him back today They have had two very wet days for their turn out. The children seemed very much pleased with the idea of coming home again, but I think they rather feel the constraints of regular home habit combined with two or three damp days after running wild at the sea so long. they have all returned with sun-burnt faces, and rosy cheeks – Since I last wrote to Lucerne I have had a letter from Mama & one from Rosamond which I acknowledged in my letter to Heidelberg, but in case of this last going wrong, I mention them again – I hope the next accounts of all the party will be improved, & will love from all the chicks I am
Your affecte daughter
If you are all together again, when you receive this, will you distribute messages from me to all.