April 5th 68
My dear Papa,
You will like to know that I got a letter from Rosamond today in which she gives an improved account of Mama, although it is still not such a good one as one could wish The inflamatory <sic> symptoms had not returned, but she had been suffering from rhumatic <sic> pains – which, however, the doctor did not appear to regard in a serious light = although they must have been worse for herself to bear, I fear. Fortunately, Rosamond says that her strength did not seem to have suffered in consequence. I repeat all this, although I have no doubt that you have also received a fresh account since you wrote – They do not seem to think that they will be able to carry out their previously formed plans of visiting Pisa & Florence and yours I suppose will also be modified in consequence –
I heard from Mrs Strangways yesterday, in answer to Lady Hylton’s enquiries – and she sends a most pleasant & satisfactory account of Miss White – evidently she thinks highly of the whole family, & especially of this daughter – I therefore wrote yesterday to engage Miss White – & I think there is every reason to hope that it will prove a success. I wrote to Lady Hylton to thank her, & to inform her of the result, & I mean to write to Mrs Strangways also. I am going to meet John at the station, so can say no more – We go to Carruchan for Easter on Friday & remain till the following Wednesday.
With love to Charles, if he is still with you, I remain
your most affecte daughter