[crest CGC]
Nov. 30th 1868
My dear Papa,
We hope to be at home again on Tuesday in next week – so I now write to ask you to come as soon as possible after that & pay us a good long visit. Christmas, New Year & twelth [sic] day of course & as long afterwards as you can. Is Charles to be away before all that? I do not write to him as I do not feel sure of his plans – but if he had time & inclination to run up & see us before he leaves, we should be very glad. I am writing from my bed, where I have been for some days with a very bad cold, but it is going off now. I have some other things to write so I must make this a short note, as it is a rather awkward process to write in bed –
With much love from the little ones. I am your most affecte daughter
Jack & Connie are planning to make your room very smart with holly! –
H. F. Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey