Octr 7
My dear Henry
I heard some time ago that you were all staying at Tunbridge Wells. I hope it did you all good & that you will be able to give me a good report of yourself & all the family –
I have undertaken to let you know of an event likely to take place this Spring, Thereza Llewelyn’s marriage! <1> it is a great event in the family as it is the first amongst all my Nieces who has ventured to break the Spell & is willing to leave her home!–
Mr Maskelyne, the happy man, seems in every way suited to her. he is a pendant & steady young man I hear. very clever & agreeable, good looking enough, right age &c but not very rich, how ever that does not much signify, he will be richer by & bye he has now an appointment at the British Museum & Gives lectures too I believe. you will excuse my ignorance. I have only had one talk with Emma & have only seen Mr Maskelyne once when, she brought him over here the other day. he was all smiles & looked very happy of course. they have equal pleasure in scientific pursuits and I hope are really well suited to one another.
Jane is going out to Nice in about a fortnight the Doctors having decided that dear Lucy is not strong enough to weather out the winter in England. This year perhaps instead she might try Ventnor which was what she wished. Jane herself is much stronger she walks about with more ease & can go upstairs as well as down stairs now. –
Mr Traherne & Charlotte are just gone to Manchester from Tenby & intend going to Manchester I believe in their way home. they are both better for Tenby & have enjoyed themselves very much there.–
Isabella’s poor invalid cannot be moved from Clifton she is however in better health & the Doctors do not despair of her being able to use her legs in time. Charles is just going out to India, a great trial to poor Bella Chrisr had a Screw put into the Capricorn so she is now a Steam yacht he took his girls to Ireland & they went to Killarney which enchanted them & they went to go again & Shew it to me!! next week Theodore returns to Oxford I do not think he likes the thought of returning there at all to say the truth but I daresay he enjoys himself very much.–
Now I must tell you about the Garden home of the Silene fimbuites came up!! which surprises me very much a small Silene Edward brought the seed of from Nice came up & looks promising but it is not half as pretty as yours & I am quite disappointed. We have a gale of wind today & heavy rain which will make a great alteration in the Garden–
Your affate – cos Mary
Love to my Cousins all
[address panel:]
Henry Fox Talbot Esqe
Lacock Abbey
1. Thereza Mary Maskelyne, née Llewelyn (1834–1926), daughter of Emma and John Dillwyn Llewelyn, m 29 June 1858, Nevil Story-Maskelyne (1823–1911), photographer, politician & scientist.