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Document number: 7655
Date: Mon 02 Jun 1858
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Mary Thereza
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: Acc no 21105
Last updated: 24th June 2015

June 2d

My dear Henry

At this charming time of year I hope you are at home if so do drop me a line I should like to take a peep at you if agreeable before I return to my nest, there it must be charming and it is only to be of use to Isabella I was induced to leave it for a time she will not want me here much longer; but I can stay on if I like. – The box of flowers we had from Abby the other day made me think of writing to you! I do not know some of the plants or rather Shrubs. nothing keeps well in the Summer I think, except pinks but I will enclose two bits in case you may be able to find them out tho’ I fear they will be something like “the dried hay” the Gardeners Chronicle complains of. –

Again this Year at Penrice I found some nice plants of the Botrychium lunaria in one place & I hope they will sow themselves & be quite plentiful soon.

I shall be very glad to hear of you & all your Party I hope they are flourishing & your Garden too –

I am your affcte
Coz Mary

Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey

If I come I shall come a begging certainly! –

9 [illegible] Buildings

Jane is travelling to the Lake of Como where she means to deposit Lucy & one or two of her sisters whilst she pays a flying visit to England she says she must return too [sic] Lucy the latter end of Sepr but no plans are fixed as yet – All the party are tolerably well –

Henry Fox Talbot Esqre
9 Clarges St

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