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Document number: 6829
Date: 30 Jun 1859
Dating: see 06829
Harold White: 1853
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Mary Thereza
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 4th August 2010

Princes buildings
June 30

My dear Henry

I do not know which of the Shakespear’s you name in your letter what was the name of his Father? of course he is Son of one of poor Mary Anne’s <1> Brothers, do tell me which. – I am very glad Mrs Shakespear is in England but she must be anxious to have her Husband here too. & cannot be very happy I should think. – I cannot tell you much of those we are so anxious about in India Charles Franklen <2> has not written this mail I fear he may be ill he was with some men at Sasseram, a post of some honour I suppose but as it parted him from his Brother Officers it was not a pleasant service. – Jane <3> says they hear regularly from Rice <4> he was well when I heard last but feels the heat very much 120 in the cool! it is indeed an anxious time I never hear but in a round about way.

You must enjoy being at home the Garden is a most luxurious place in the evening. – I shall be quite delighted if you will come to Penrice (if I am there alone I will do my best to make it pleasant to whoever accompanies you) it would be a real pleasure to walk about & talk over the plants & old times. I cannot tell what plans Chrisr <5> may have, but his Daughters hope he will take them in the Yacht to Lisbon I believe! Have you not seen any thing of him in London? the Girls ought to make renew acquaintance with their Cousins – & would be very happy to do so I am sure for they are sociable. –

We have rock work in several places at Penrice but not properly cultivated but you can advise when you come – I shall be very glad of Silene fimbriata seeds. I lost the pretty little heath leaved cistus you gave me which I was very sorry for. – Isabella <6> comes back from the Penllergare wedding this evening, she has some flowers here in her Balcony which give her great amusement sometimes. –

My kind love, I hope all the party are really enjoying themselves in London,Your affate coz
Mary T. Talbot


1. Relatives of Mary Ann Thackeray, née Shakespear (1793-1850); WHFT's cousin. Several of her brothers were employed by the East India Company - see Sir William Wilson Hunter, The Thackerays in India, and Some Calcutta Graves (London: Henry Frowde, 1897).

2. Charles Franklen, son of Isabella Franklen.

3. Jane Harriot Nicholl, née Talbot (1796–1874).

4. Christopher Rice Havard Nicholl (b. 1836), son of Jane Harriet Nicholl.

5. Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot (1803–1890), immensely wealthy landowner, mathematician & politician; WHFT’s Welsh cousin.

6. Isabella Catherine Franklen, née Talbot (1804–1874).

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