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Document number: 5151
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 15th August 2010

My dear Henry

I am glad you got your own Copy of Saturday’s Times yesterday, instead of having to wait till today – But it was no trouble to us sending it on, and we had all had time to read it – I didn’t expect you would get your answer about the Great Stuart St house <1> till today.

We shall be impatient to hear that your terms are agreed to, by one or other of the ‘Partys’ – It will be an easy business to arrange by letter – through the Agent. Should the house be sold I have something to propose concerning the Furniture. There is plenty of time and probably no question will be asked about the furniture – at present. Do not therefore say anything until I have told you what I have thought of.

The weather seems to be holding up pretty well in favor of the ceremony tomorrow, but as there is an east wind, accompanied today by darkness & fog, I should not be greatly surprised if in London it should be one of the worst yellow fogs of the Season! That will be unlucky certainly, so we will hope better things.

People here seem but half satisfied – the Abbey only will be open for service – which they think is insufficient to mark the day as an occasion of special thanksgiving. Why don’t you go out & admire the Crocusses? I certainly would, were I at Lacock. – Tell me please how is Wilkins <2> – I wish he would send us always a little green moss with the flowers on Saturdays. It helps to dress a flat dish nicely, when there are violets or primroses or any kind of small cut flowers.

This is such a little scrap that I will enclose it in what I am sending to Charles <3>.

Your affectionate

I think Matilda <4> will not be going to the seaside yet awhile – because Speddoch <5> seems to suit so well.


1. 13 Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh, frequent home of the Talbots from 1863-1871

2. George Wilkins (b. 1814), gardener at Lacock

3. Charles Henry Talbot (1842–1916), antiquary & WHFT’s only son

4. Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, ‘Tilly’, née Talbot (1839–1927), WHFT’s 3rd daughter

5. Speddoch, Dumfriesshire, 10 mi NW of Dumfries: home of WHFT’s daughter Matilda

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