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Document number: 85
Date: Thu
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Rosamond Constance
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 3rd November 2012


My dear Papa,

Mama <1> has just received your letter at 8 ½ this morning – the others she only got at 4 o’clock so we shall expect you on Saturday, and hope we shall have a fine, calm day to cross on Monday. Could you not send the Courier down here on Saturday morning, to see about sending off our extra luggage by luggage train? It is impossible we should take it all with us, and it will, I suppose, take him a day to arrange it’s departure. It would be better to tell him about it.

Mama wrote to you yesterday, I am answering by the 10 a.m. post. John Clark <2> is in town; may be heard of at the Conservative Club. <3> It is raining this morning.

Goodbye, dear Papa, everybody sends their love. Charles <4> seems to enjoy himself here.

Your affectionate daughter


1. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.

2. John Gilchrist-Clark (1830–1881), Scottish JP; WHFT’s son-in-law.

3. Built in 1843–1845 on the west side of St Jame’s Street, London.

4. Charles Henry Talbot (1842–1916), antiquary & WHFT’s only son.

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