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Result number 95 of 10076:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 6675
Dating: just after Doc no 00002 (also undated)
Watermark: Joynson 1857
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BARCLAY George
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 10th April 2012

22 Gerrard St


I have to acknowledge the receipt of a post office order for 36£ in settlement of my account

I am gratified to hear you intend placing your invention on its own merits under the cooperative energy of a company, it has only to come fairly in the hands of practical manipulators to succeed, and a company can much better afford the loss that must necessarily ensue in obtaining that experience which even an experienced hand must acquire in a new process.

I am also assured you would never have attained the end – alone –

So sure am I of its ultimate triumph that should you perceive any direction in which my judgment and experience could be advantageously available, it would not require a very large remunerative amount at the outset to induce me to quit this

But at any rate I feel that the conscientious advice, and frequent stimulations to action that have from time to time emanated from me, might fairly be acknowledged by the licence requested in my last before the power to grant it passes totally out of your hands

Most Respectfully Your Obedient Servant
Geo Barclay

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