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Result number 96 of 10076:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 8017
Recipient: WILLATS Thomas & Richard
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: 28839
Collection number historic: LAM-082
Last updated: 1st September 2003


Sir <1>

We are instructed by –

We have recd instrons fm ____ to inform you that he induced you are infringing his patent Rights by the sale of his iodized paper, and likewise in other ways. We are willing to believe that this proceeding on your part can only arise from you being unacquainted with ye terms of ye Specificn of Mr T’s patent, & that you cannot be aware that the iodized paper is expressly described therein as a novel inventn & forms an integral part of ye process there in patented specified, & in respect of wch ye patent was granted.

Such an infringement of ye patt cannot be allowed & accordingly We hereby require you to discontinue the sale of the said I paper – If you wish to sell it in future, this can only be done by your procuring the a license from the patentee – who we believe wd be ready to meet you in a friendly spirit, altho’ he is resolved if it is necessary to uphold his patent rights in all their integrity, and therefore If you continue ye sale after this notice we shall be obliged to take legal proceedings in Chancery against you which may involve you in considerable expense & which we are desirous of avoiding as long as possible

We are

WR King
Solictr to ye patee

PS. We should be glad to be informed of the name of yr solicitor.

<expanded version>


We are instructed by –

We have received instructions from William Henry Fox Talbot to inform you that he induced you are infringing his patent Rights by the sale of his iodized paper, and likewise in other ways. We are willing to believe that this proceeding on your part can only arise from you being unacquainted with the terms of the Specification of Mr Talbot’s patent, and that you cannot be aware that the iodized paper is expressly described therein as a novel invention and forms an integral part of the process there in patented specified, and in respect of which the patent was granted.

Such an infringement of the patent cannot be allowed & accordingly We hereby require you to discontinue the sale of the said I paper – If you wish to sell it in future, this can only be done by your procuring the a license from the patentee – who we believe would be ready to meet you in a friendly spirit, altho’ he is resolved if it is necessary to uphold his patent rights in all their integrity , and therefore If you continue the sale after this notice we shall be obliged to take legal proceedings in Chancery against you which may involve you in considerable expense & which we are desirous of avoiding as long as possible

We are

WR King
Solicitor to the patentee

PS. We should be glad to be informed of the name of your solicitor.


1. This letter is drafted in WHFT’s hand for William Read King & Son, solicitors, London to send out under WR King’s name.

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