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Document number: 5060
Dating: HW date not possible, see 05062
Harold White: 11 Sep 1844
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Portshead <sic> Hotel

½ past five –

My dear Henry

I find that the post goes out at six, & that I have just time to write you a line – We had an excellent journey – (if I may give such a name to an excursion so shortly & easily performed). – We sent an urchin for post horses as soon as we found there were none in waiting at the Bristol Station & were not detained five minutes – We had quiet horses & a civil post boy – & arrived here (I think) about three o’clock. – We have been out since, chicks & I while the Nurses & Price unpacked the things. And they are now just sitting down to tea, most comfortably. –

The Hotel is very full today, but the Landlady says there will be vacant beds early next week – Then of course it is a chance whether you or other new Comers may be first to take possession in case you chuse to come without bespeaking rooms –

The weather is delightful – quite hot – & the sea looks beautiful. –

Your affectionate

Constance. –

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