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Document number: 3621
Date: 29 Nov 1837
Dating: 29 indistinct - just possibly 23rd
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TENORE Michele
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003


li 29 Novembre 1837

Pregiatissimo Amico

Profittando delle grazie del vostro degnissimo Ministro qui e dell’occasione del corriere brittanico di cui egli mi ha permesso avvalermi, vi ho spedito diverse cose da voi richieste tra le quali avrà il Ficus sycomorus alumi orchidee, il Narcissus major, i semi dell’Ostrya vulgaris, del Junipercus macrocarpa e diverse altre cose che mi auguro vorranno incontrare il vostro gradimento, e quello di cotesti rispettabili Signori Anderson e Lambert, a quali vi prego di riferire i miei ossequi; mancandomi il tempo di scrivere loro direttamente. Anche qualche cosa vi ho unito per la Signora <Palisser?>, cui vi prego farla pervenire. Vi ho scritto tempo fa ed <illegible> <riscontrando?> <illegible> favoritissimi alla quale ultima mia mi riferisco; vi soggiungerò che l’Amaryllis lutea trovasi presantemente carica di frutti immaturi: ben vero la pianta coltivata in piena terra; giacché quella tenuta in vaso non ne fa mai. Cotesto <illegible> Sig. Conte Stanhope <1> essendosi compiaciuto di farmi avere il suo discusso manuale nel quale inculca lo studio delle piante indigene <illegible> all’esotiche, e siccome sullo stesso soggetto trovomi avere scritto fin dal 1806 un trattato <2> che fa parte delle mie Istituzioni di botanica così vi prego di voler essere presso lui l’interprete dei miei sentimenti di ammirazione e di riconoscenza presentando alla società medico-botanica di cui mi vanto di essere socio corrispondente l’esemplare del detto libro che ho unito al presente invio. Mi raccomando sempre alla vostra bontà <illegible> <illegible> della <illegible> <illegible>

Sono colla più <illegible> stima ed amicizia
Vostro <illegible> ed amico

Michele Tenore



November 29th 1837

Most valued Friend

Taking advantage of the grace of your most worthy Minister and the opportunity to use the British courrier he permitted me to avail myself of, I have sent several things you requested including the Ficus sycomorus alumi orchidee, the Narcissus major, the seeds of the Ostrya vulgaris, of the Junipercus macrocarpa and some other things which I hope will meet with your satisfaction, and that of the respectable Messers Anderson and Lambert, to whom I would ask you to offer my regards; not having enough time to write them directly. I have also enclosed something for Mrs <Palisser?> which I would ask you to pass on to her. I wrote to you some time ago and <illegible> <meeting with?> <illegible> most favoured, the last of which I refer to; I would add that the Amaryllis lutea is presently laden with unripe fruits: that is to say the plant which I cultivated in the earth; since that which I keep in a vase never bears fruit. The <illegible> Earl of Stanhope having been so kind as to allow me to have his much talked about work in which he imparts the study of plants indigenous <illegible> to the exotic, and since I also wrote a treatise on the same topic in 1806 which now forms part of my botanical Institutions, I would ask you to convey to him my sentiments of admiration and gratitude, and to present to the medico-botanical society of which I am proud to be a corresponding member the copy of said treatise which I am enclosing with the present. I entrust as ever to the goodness of your <illegible> <illegible>.

I am with the greatest <illegible> esteem and friendship
Your <illegible> obedient friend

Michele Tenore


1. Philip Henry, 4th Earl of Stanhope (1781–1855), President of the Medico-Botanical Society of London (1829–1837).

2. Probably Trattato di Fitognosia, the first volume of which was published in Naples in 1806.

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