[this note conveyed Calvert Jones' question - see Doc. No: 09097].
Dear Talbot.
The writer of the above querrie is a friend of your Cousin’s <1> & quite beside himself on the subject of you photogenic researches. He pressed me so much to communicate with you that I consented to do so – reluctantly – because I knew to what an extent you must be overwhelmed with inquiries – Mary <2> begs me to thank you for your letter. Be good enough to direct to me, Post office. Taibach
Believe me to remain, Yours Truly
John M Traherne
Penllergare <3>
March 8 1839
Taibach March ten 1839 C.R.M. Talbot
W.H.F. Talbot
44 Queen Anne St <4>
1. Rev Calvert Richard Jones (1802–1877), Welsh painter & photographer was friends with two of WHFT’s cousins: Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot (1803–1890), immensely wealthy landowner, mathematician & politician; WHFT’s Welsh cousin and Emma Thomasina Llewelyn, née Talbot (1806–1881), photographer; WHFT’s Welsh cousin, who was married to John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810–1882), Welsh photographer, JP & High Sheriff; the Llewelyns and Jones were photograph enthusiasts and cooperators.
2. Mary Thereza Talbot (1795–1861), WHFT’s cousin, who took great interest in his photography - see Doc. No: 03894.
3. Penllergaer, Glamorgan, 5 mi E of Loughor: home of the Llewelyn family.
5. 44 Queen Ann Street: London home of the Mundy family and a frequent base for WHFT.