Statemt &c &c
with respect to Belgn patt
Nov 5/59
Up to this date no specn has bn sold, either by me, or Messrs Petters Petter & Galpin, who gave away a lot of specns but receiv’d no paymt. The object being to obtain coopern in order to bring out the invn –
[expanded version:]
Statement &c &c
with respect to Belgian patent <1>
November 5 1859
Up to this date no specimen <2> has been sold, either by me, or Messrs PettersPetter & Galpin, <3> who gave away a lot of specimens but received no payment. The object being to obtain cooperation in order to bring out the invention.–
1. See Doc. No: 07683.
2. Of Photoglyphic Engraving.
3. Petter & Galpin, copper-plate, lithographic and ordinary printers.