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Document number: 9969
Date: 08 Apr 1873
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: VAUX William Sandys Wright
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: Acc 22676 [envelope only]
Last updated: 19th April 2012

[RSL crest]
Royal Society of Literature,
4, St Martin’s Place. W. C.

April 8. 1873

My dear Mr Talbot

It is a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing y or hearing from you – but I hope y have been quite well

I hope y have not quite forgotten the old Roy. Soc. of Literature of which you an honoured Vice President – but I see you send all your papers now to Birch’s new Biblical – yet, in former times, we had the pleasure of printing some of your most valuable papers – Pray think this over – and if y have any thing y might like to lay before the Society ready now, I would gladly read the same to the Society for you on Wednesday [illegible x2] April 23 – if you would send it to me to 4. St Martin’s Place a few days before –

Since I retired from the Museum I have been an absent husband resided at my old home Oxford, where I have Catalogued some 10,000 or more coins for the Bodleian Collection –

I am still there a good deal there, and hav am also at work on them the coins at the India Office – a rich collection of “Orientalia” –

I am very glad to hear that George Smith is doing well in Assyria. I much feared he would not be able to stand the Climate – I hope I shall hear from you soon and

Believe me Ever sincerely yours
W. S. W. Vaux.

H. Fox tAlbot Esq F. R. S.

We have other Meetings in May and June as you know – but I am rather in want of a paper post haste if you had ought y wd like to say.

H. Fox Talbot Esq
Lacocke [sic] Abbey

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