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Document number: 2794
Date: 09 May 1874
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: VAUX William Sandys Wright
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 23rd August 2010

44 Cheyne Walk
Chelsea S W
May 9. 1874

Dear Mr Fox Talbot

You were so good as to say that when you got back to Laycock, you would not forget the Roy Soc of Literature <1> and wd send me a paper for one of our Meetings – Should you be still so inclined and could send me any thing to the above address for our next meeting May 27 or for June 24 I should be very much obliged

Pray remember me to your Son <2> &

Believe me sincerely [illegible deletion]
W. S. W. Vaux

If y have any thing for the 27th inst I should be glad to have it a few days before that I insert a Brief in the Athenĉum <3>


1. Royal Society of Literature, London.

2. - Charles Henry Talbot, 'Charlie' or 'Tally' (2 Feb 1842 - 26 Dec 1916), antiquary & WHFT's only son.

3. The Athenaeum (London).

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