Lower Mall
Hammersmith <1>
May 23d 1854
My dear Sir
I shall be from home the entire day to-morrow. I am at present much occupied in preparing and making experiments on the submarine cable which is to be laid across the Mediterranean; <2> it is to be shipped next week and consequently there is no time to spare. I shall be in town on no other day this week than Thursday, but if your leaving should be put off and you should wish to see me you would find me at home (as I always make a point of being) on Saturday from 11 to 5.
Yours very truly
C. Wheatstone
1. London
2. Wheatstone tested 110 miles of six-core cable in the months May and June of 1855. The cable was intended for a link between Corsica and Italy, which was never achieved. See Proceedings of the Royal Society 1855, pp. 328–333, for a summary of these experiments.