Chippenham <1>
June 24. 1831
Dear Sir
In reply to your favor of this Morning I beg to inform you, that the number of Houses ascertained to be standing in this Parish in the year 1822 is from an actual Survey made in that year. – I cannot at present discover any means for ascertaining the number in the year 1821 or for many years prior thereto. –
Any information you could give me as to the probability of Chippenham retaining two Members would be esteemed a favor, as many of your Friends here are frequently applying to me on the subject
I am Dear Sir
Yours very obediently
Wm Wilmot Junr
W. H. F. Talbot Esqr
31 Sackville Street
1. Chippenham, Wiltshire: largest town near Lacock, 3 miles N.