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Document number: 00217
Date: 12 Feb 1876
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: COOPER William Ricketts
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

5, Richmond Grove,
Barnsbury, N.,

12th Feby 1876

Dear Sir

I thank you for your promised paper <1> which I will announce for next meeting. The new part of the transactions will be ready (I hope) next week

Mr Smith <2> has obtained his firman and starts for Assyrie on the 17th he will be accompanied by a new Assyriologist Prof Eneborg of Helsingfors

In the July part of the transactions we shall publish part of an Himyaritic Grammar by Capt Prideaux <3>

<Yrs tly?>

W.R. Cooper

H. Fox Talbot Esq F.R.S.


1. Cooper had asked WHFT on 5th February 1876, to contribute to the Assyrian translations in the Records of the Past being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments: Assyrian Texts, v.7, September 1876 (London: Samuel Bagster & Sons). [See Doc. No: 00192].

2. George Smith (1840–1876), Assyriologist. In March 1876, he was sent by the British Museum to excavate the rest of Assurbanipal’s library.

3. Probably William Francis Prideaux. In 1877 he published A Sketch of Sabæan Grammar; with examples of translation, reprinted from the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archæology (London).