Jan. 29. 1835.
My dear Sir
I have at length found time to divide Drummond’s <1> 2d Texas collections & put Nos to the specimens which will correspond with the list I hope soon to publish in the Botl Journal. <2> Your set contains 197 species & I have included it in a Box which is received by Mr Bentham <3> at the Hortl Socy. <4> Your share of carriage (due to him) will be small: & the specimens I think you will find extremely interesting. It is I think by far the best packet he has yet sent us. And we are not likely to have many more from that quarter. His last letter was dated from San Felipe de Austin: & he was about to start for Florida. That Peninsula I trust he will traverse for a great part of its length & he will probably embark at Charlstown for Europe.
I have had a most laborious task in removing into a new House; <5> for I was fairly driven out of my former one by the increase of my Library & Herbarium. Even yet, my Books & Plants are not in perfect order: but I trust I shall soon feel the advantage of the removal. I have 3 rooms for my Herbarium & a room 46 feet long for my Library. I trust soon to be able to examine carefully your Corfu plants.
You will perhaps be kind enough to call or send to the Hortl Socy for you parcel.
Most faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker.
H. F. Talbot Esq. M.P.
31. Sackville street. <6>
1. Thomas Drummond (1793-1835), Scottish botanical collector; died in Cuba in early March 1835.
2. William Jackson Hooker, The Journal of Botany (London, Edinburgh: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman etc., A & C Black, 1834–1842).
3. George Bentham (1800–1884), philosopher & botanist.
4. Horticultural Society of London.
5. See also Doc. No: 02966.
6. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.