[written on the same sheet as a note from Alexander Banks - see Doc. No: 03412]
Engraving, Lithographic & General Printing Office
26, Waterloo Place.
Date: July 30 1861
H F Talbot Esq
Sir /
With this you have proofs of three of the Blocks left with us –
We have bestowed every care upon them but have failed to bring them up; you will see from the Impressions that they are much too Shallow for Type printing as no care in the world could prevent the Ink from going into the lines & covering the surface at the same time – In cases where the work is vignetted & does not come up to the outer edge of the Block the surface beyond the work must be cut down considerably below the level so as to bring the Vignette up sharply & keep the edges clean –
We have a number of your steel plates carefully tied up – shall we keep them until you return to Edin, or send them to your present address?
We are Sir Yours respectfully
William Banks & Sons
pr Henry Banks