Dr Sir
Some yrs ago I tk out a P. for Impts in obtg lmve pr in wh I descrd an EM enge of a new kd.
I hve lately become aware that Mr is exhibig a model of this or a similar Enge at the E Hall in Py where it is employd to drive a small circular saw.
As I feel it incumbt on me to protect my rights as a patenter I request tt y will have the goodness to write to Mr & inform him that he is infringg existg patent rights; however (A) At the time time I beg wish to sy that it is not at all my wish to prevent the exhibition of the above mentd machine, on ye cy, I wd will wth pleasure give Mr leave to continue to exhibit it, as I believe him to be a very ingenious man, providd that he will give me an undertakg not to make any other enge or model on the principle of my patt – in E &W. wout my writtn license and permn. My patt not extg to Sc. he will be at liby to do as he pleases there.
If Mr will refer to the annexed specnsof my patt, he will see that his machne is idl with ye one wch I have there described.
(A) This eleve observn only applin But I only speak of ye model of the sawmill wch wks ye saw; I have not seen wch [illegible] the rest of the machines for the rest of the machnes are on a difftprinciple.
[expanded version:]
Dear Sir,
Some years ago I took out a Patent <1> for Improvements in obtaining locomotive power in which I described an Electro Motive engine of a new kind.
I have lately become aware that Mr. [Robert Davidson]<2> is exhibiting a model of this or a similar Engine at the Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly where it is employed to drive a small circular saw.
As I feel it incumbent on me to protect my rights as a patenter I request that you will have the goodness to write to Mr. [Robert Davidson] & inform him that he is infringing existing patent rights; however This electromotive observation only application But I only speak of the model of the sawmill which works the saw; I have not seen which [illegible] the rest of the machines for the rest of the machines are on a different principle. At the time time I beg wish to say that it is not at all my wish to prevent the exhibition of the above mentioned machine, on the contrary, I would will with pleasure give Mr. [Robert Davidson] leave to continue to exhibit it, as I believe him to be a very ingenious man, provided that he will give me an undertaking not to make any other engine or model on the principle of my patent - in England and Wales without my written license and permission. My patent not extending to Scotland he will be at liberty to do as he pleases there.
If Mr. [Robert Davidson] will refer to the annexed specifications of my patent, he will see that his machine is identical with the one which I have there described.
1. ‘Obtaining Motive Power’, patent number 8650, 1 October 1840.
2. See Doc. No: 04696, written by Robert Davidson, Scottish electrical inventor in reply; he had exhibited his model electric engine powering a saw for 6 years not knowingly infringing on WHFT’s patent and cheerfully agreed to the terms.