New Club.
9. March 1859
Dear Sir
At a special meeting of the Photographic Society of Scotland held yesterday, it was moved & carried by acclamation, that the Society's gold medal should be presented you as a mark of their respect, & of gratitude to you as the great discoverer of photography -
Having been Chairman of the meeting, I was requested to communicate this their resolution to you - & at the same time to express a hope that you may be able to do them the honour of attending their next meeting on Tuesday 12. April, when the medal will be ready for your acceptance -
If it is inconvenient for you to come to our meeting, I shall feel obliged if you will let me know when - & where, a deputation of the Society may be permitted to wait upon you, for the purpose of presenting the medal to you - <1>
Believe me to be Dear Sir Yours very faithfully
Horatio Ross
H. Fox Talbot Esq
P.S. Be good enough to address your reply to me at
by Stonehaven
1. Talbot was both ill and at Lacock during this period but wrote to Charles Kinnear, the President of the Society, in April, thanking them for the honour and explaining why he couldn't appear at the meeting - see Doc. No: 07840. In May, the medal was delivered to Constance Talbot, then in Edinburgh, for safekeeping - see Doc. No: 05279.