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Document number: 08044
Date: 20 Feb 1860
Recipient: PITTAR Richard W
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA60-7
Last updated: 29th December 2010


R W Pittar

Feb 20/60

I was mch intersted with yr operns at S wch appr t be vy skilfly condctd

If y wd like t make trial of the L ore I wd give y engh for 1 charge of ye furnce wch I reckon wd be abt 20 or 24 Tons, if y wd send a boat for it – This wd incrse our knge of the W.shire ore, provided it was kept But it wd be necessy to keep it quite free fm any admixture of other ore, of other ore for of course if they got at all mixed together nothing wd be learnt from the expt

[expanded version:]

R W Pittar

February 20/1860

I was much interested with your operations at Seend <1> which appear to be very skilfully conducted

If you would like to make trial of the Lacock ore I would give you enough for one charge of the furnace which I reckon would be about twenty or twenty-four Tons, if you would send a boat for it – This would increase our knowledge of the Wiltshire ore, provided it was kept But it would be necessary to keep it quite free from any admixture of other ore, of other ore for of course if they got at all mixed together nothing would be learnt from the experiment


1. See Doc. No: 08042 for an account of this visit.