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Document number: 09381
Date: 16 Jun 1868
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HIRST Thomas Archer
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: envelope 22033
Last updated: 19th October 2010

Athenĉum Club.
June 16th 1868


I am directed by the Officers of the British Association for the advancement of science to inform you of their unanimous wish that you would allow them to nominate you for election as President of the Association for next year (1868-9)

The meeting will probably be held at Exeter during the month of August or September 1869. Your election by the General Committee, in the event of your granting the present request, would take place at Norwich next August.

Permit me, Sir, to add that your acceptance of the office thus assigned to you would give the highest satisfaction not only to the Officers, but to the Council, and to the members of the Association generally. <1>

Hoping for a favourable reply I am, Sir Yours very faithfully
T Archer Hirst


W. H. Fox Talbot Esq F.R.S
Lacock Abbey
near Chippenham


1. After the divisive patent controversies of the 1850s, this was a measure of WHFT's restored standing in the scientific community and amongst the general public that he was invited to be President. William Robert Grove sent a personal letter in advance, anticipating WHFT's possible objections, including to public speaking (Doc. No: 09380). However, WHFT declined, citing among other reasons uncertain health in his family - see Doc. No: 09391.