4 Fitzroy Square <1>
Feby 28 / 47
Dear Sir
I received this morning your note <2> of Saturday. I thank you for your kind attention in calling to bid me farewell, and truly that your good wishes may be an omen of a prosperous voyage.
I shall write tomorrow to Mr Haight, <3> mentioning that the matter is now left in his hands. I sincerely hope that you will have no difficulty in effecting an arrangement mutually satisfactory; for I should be well pleased to act as agent in working the art. <4>
I think it would operate unfavorably to bring out a selection of pictures before the American public previous to the securing of the patent. It would create a host of experimenters, whom it would be afterwards an expensive matter to put down.
Should you effect an arrangement with Mr Haight, of course a supply of views will be necessary.
Wishing all prosperity to your new establishment, <5> and to yourself health and happiness
I remain Your Obt Servt
E. Anthony
H. Fox Talbot Esq.
1. London.
2. Not located.
3. Richard Kip Haight (1798-1862), American merchant, poet & traveller.
4. The art of the calotype process, for which Anthony wanted to obtain an American patent.
5. 122 Regent Street, London: base of Nicolaas Hennemans’ Talbotype or Sun Picture Rooms, later the firm of Henneman & Malone, photographers to the Queen.