31 Oct. 59
Profr Balfour
Dr Sir
According to your request I forward the plate by todays post – I would have sent it sooner but thought you were absent from Edinburgh.
The plate should be sent an engraver [sic] (I should recommend Mr Banks <1> in Waterloo place)<.> He should remove with a burnisher a number of small specks in the sky above the tree <2> and make the sides of the picture perfectly straight and the angles square, and perhaps draw a line round the picture. It will then look better
I remain Yours vy truly
H. F. Talbot
1. William Banks (b. 1809), engraver, Edinburgh.
2. See Doc. No: 07931. This was published as "Young Dragon trees, near Orotava, Teneriffe" " in the Transactions of the Botanical Society (Edinburgh), March 1859, pl. 6.
3. Prof Philip Kelland (1808–1879), Scottish mathematician. See Doc. No: 07960.