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Document number: 8372
Date: 15 Apr 1861
Recipient: HOGARTH Joseph
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: National Science and Media Museum, Bradford
Collection number: 1937-5411
Last updated: 11th December 2009


15 April. 61

In reply to yrs of ys date, I will wd observe that it wd might be open to me at a future time since I can to join yr Cy at any time (by mutl const of all parties as to the conditns) but I had rather not do so at prest

I have sent instructns to my patent agent to draw out the Licse accordg to the terms agreed upon.

I have also asked him to inform me whether it is customary or not to share that the expense of the license shd be shared.

[expanded version:]

15 April 1861


In reply to yours of yesterday’s date <1> I will would observe that it would might be open to me at a future time since I can to join your Company <2> at any time (by mutual consent of all parties as to the conditions) but I had rather not do so at present –

I have sent instructions to my patent agent <3> to draw out the License according to the terms agreed upon. <4>

I have also asked him to inform me whether it is customary or not to share that the expense of the license should be shared. <5>


1. Actually of 13 April; see Doc. No: 08368.

2. WHFT had declined to join Hogarth, Paul Pretsch (1808–1873), Austrian photographer & inventor; founder of the Photogalvanographic Company and others in a proposed photographic-engraving company [see Doc. No: 08329].

3. See Doc. No: 08371 for WHFT’s letter to William Carpmael (1804–1867), patent agent & engineer, London.

4. See Doc. No: 08364.

5. See Doc. No: 08368.

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