19 March 1833
Dear Sir
I send you Arabis rosea in seed, <1> from Kilmington. <2> I will not trouble you to return the former specimens which I sent of it having received some others.
My drawings of Ionian plants <3> were executed by an excellent botanical draughtsman at Geneva. They are uncoloured and of a quarto size, therefore will not suit the Botl Magazine. <4> I brought few seeds from the Islands, but have raised some species from seeds picked out of the herbarium long afterwards. Among these is Senecio crassifolius & a new Euphorbia, but which Gussone <5> has since discovered in Sicily & called it E. cuneifolia.
Believe me Yours very truly
H. F. Talbot.
1. See especially Doc. No: 02586, and Doc. No: 02611.
2. The home of Rev Townshend Selwyn (1783-1853), botanist, Vicar of Kilmington and Canon of Gloucester, in Wiltshire near the border with Somerset, and not far from Redlynch.
3. See Doc. No: 02630.
4. William Jackson Hooker and Samuel Curtis, Curtis's Botanical Magazine ..., a new edition (London: S. Curtis, and Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper).
5. Giovanni Gussone (1787-1866), Italian botanist.