65 Harley St <1> London
May 26th 1837
My Dear Sir
I shall be happy to send you a small collection of Cape Bulbs and seeds, recently received from Sir John Herschel, <2> if you like to have them. In that case will you let me know in what way I shall send them. There are in a proper state for immediate planting.
I was very much obliged to Lady Hooker <3> for the troubles she took some time ago in making enquiry respecting John Reid, <4> as well as to Dr Murray <5> of the Botanic Garden – Since then we have had little confidence in him, but as he seems a good gardener, and the inconvenience of changing is excessively great, especially during my protracted absence from home, the result is that he remains with us for the present.
I never saw so ungenial a spring as this year, I think there must have been a great destruction of tender plants in all the gardens –
Believe me Yours most truly
H. F. Talbot.
1. Harley Street, London. The Talbots had rented 65 Harley Street during the Spring of 1837 so that Constance could receive the best possible medical attention for the birth of their second child in March.
2. Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792–1871), astronomer & scientist.
3. Maria Hooker, née Turner. [See Doc. No: 03438].
4. See Doc. No: 03223.
5. Stewart M Murray (1789-1858), first Curator of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. [See Doc. No: 03223, and Doc. No: 03438].