31 Sackville St <1>
2d October
Dear Sir,
I am going to send the Jersey plants <2> to Mr Hunnemann <3> I received them from Mr Strangways, <4> & he had them from Mr Christie <5> of Clapham who gathered them himself in Jersey as I understand I intend to send with them some roots of Trichonema Bulbocodium, derived from the same source, in case you like to cultivate that rare British plant. Mr Strangways says he believes they are wild specimens
I have not repeated my observations on Silene maritima <6> often enough, to be sure that the characters which I pointed out are constant. But the plant is certainly distinct from the common Behen It is very common in South Devonshire and very ornamental when in flower in May I collected seed of it on the Dorsetshire coast which produced a plant in all respects resembling the parent, so that it is quite permanent under cultivation Mr Strangways also raised the plant in the Naples Botanic Garden, from Dorsetshire seed, & found it quite permanent in that climate.
I hope you intend to continue your Icones Plantarum <7> which is a most interesting work Nearly a twelvemonth ago I wrote to your publisher desiring him to send me the Nos of that work as they appeared; but finding he took no notice of the order, I was obliged at length to procure them from another bookseller. My object in writing to him, was chiefly to announce my name as a subscriber, & I mention this as I think the sale of the work may have been diminished by similar inadvertencies in other quarters.
I expect Lippolds Madeira plants <8> will prove very interesting. I have some friends who are going to pass next winter in that Island: if you have anything to send there, I have no doubt they would willingly take charge of it.
Believe me Dear Sir Yours very truly
H. F. Talbot
1. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
2. See Doc. No: 00402.
3. James Hunneman, London nurseryman.
4. William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, 4th Earl of Ilchester (17951865), botanist, art collector & diplomat.
5. W Christy, seed collector in Funchal. [See Doc. No: 03642.]
6. See Doc. No: 03319.
7. William Jackson Hooker, Icones plantarum; or figures of new or rare plants (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, 18371854).
8. Dr. Johann Friedrich Lippold; see his "Prospectus" in the Botanical Magazine, v. 2, 1836, pp. 339-340. See also Doc. No: 00402 and Doc. No: 03642.