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Document number: 03642
Date: 19 Jan 1838
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: CHRISTY Willim jnr
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 14th February 2012

19th Jany 1838.

Dear Sir

Mrs Macdonald has just showed me your notes enquiring where you were to apply for your share of Dr Lippold’s <1> Seeds &c &c.

If you remember just before I left England I applied to you on the subject and you expressed a desire to wait till he went to the Canaries This he is not likely to do till next year. If you would however wish to have a miscellaneous collection of his Madeira Seeds and will address a line to that effect to Mrs Christy Clapham Road they will be sent you.

With regard to Celastrus Cassinoides it is not uncommon here but it grows on the face of the sea cliffs and we know not how to propagate it. As however I have been fortunate enough to find it in flower (in which state it has never been known here before) I trust it may ripen seed. Plocama pendula I saw plenty of the other day in Teneriffe (where I spent 5 days) but it had no seed. It does not grow here On the Peak I got about ½ a dozen seeds of Adenocarpus frankenioides of which I can spare you 3. I have no doubt it will grow in the open air with you for I saw nearly 10000 feet up almost in the snow. Laurus Canariensis I beleive [sic] grows here but I have not seen it nor in the Canaries. I have not forgotten the Narcissus you mention. I find it grows near the Mount[?] Church but just now the ground there is coverd [sic] with snow By next vessel I trust to send you some bulbs of it also seeds of one or two Canary evergreen trees.

The commons species of Laurus here are the Vinhatico (L. Indica) and Til (Persea fœtens). If you wish it I will get seeds of both for you Vaccinium Maderense is a beautiful shrub now coverd [sic] with snow and therefore must be hardy in your climate. When in Teneriffe I got a few bulbs of a very handsome Scilla and of what I take to be Pancratium Canariense As I expect to go back again before long I hope to get more but in the mean time will desire my Gardener to put aside some for you. I do not know if I am taking too great a liberty in enclosing in this cover a packet of papers which would certainly not be worth postage being merely letters to the children at home.

Hoping you will excuse it I am Dear Sir Yours truly
W. Christy jnr


1. Johann Friedrich Lippold. See Doc. No: 00402 and Doc. No: 00405.