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Document number: 01106
Date: Sat 25 Oct 1823
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GAISFORD Henrietta Horatia Maria, née Feilding
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 23rd January 2012

[this is a complex manuscript, with four separate notes combined on one sheet; Capt Feilding's is Doc. No: 00215; Caroline's is Doc. No: 00230; and Lady Elisabeth's is Doc. No: 00259]

Saturday 25th Octr 1823

My dear Henry

We arrived here yesterday at 3 o’clock and settled ourselves in the Villa di Londra. The weather is beautiful and as hot as it was at Nice when we first got there, and we have a beautiful view from our windows of the sea, with the port, light-house & shipping. This place looks very gay and animated, & puts me a little in mind of Nice. – I suppose you slept at Susa <1> last night and are now passing Mont-Cenis, when this letter reaches you I hope you will be arrived in safety at Paris. – You cannot think how sorry I was when I saw your calèche turn into another road, & I looked at it as long as I could till the trees hid it. –


Monsr W. H. F. Talbot
gentilhomme anglais

Poste restante


1. See Doc. No: 01105.