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Document number: 06406
Date: 26 Apr 1851
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: VOGEL Friedrich Carl
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA51-13
Last updated: 22nd October 2012

le 26 Aprile 1851.

Mon très cher Monsieur Talbot!

J’ai reçu votre chère lettre du Janv. 19. j’avois l’intention de vous envoyer plusieurs de mes ouvrages nouveaux et entre autre les portraits des celebritès, que vous avez souhaitè de reçevoir et que j’ai executè – je n’avois pas d’occation de vous l’envoyer et j’esperai de l’avoir, et il y suivi mon voyage le may 1850 ici à Milan. J’ai suivi a une invitation d’executer mon art ici. Suivant mon inclination à l’art italienne et l’envie de l’ètudier, et j’ai ètabli ici un atlier pour Portraits talbotypiques.

L’Exposition à Londre me fais me rapeller votre Lettre dans laquelle vous me dites: “Would you desire to come to England and take photograph Portraits in London, under my license” Il ne manquera pas à Londre à des personnes pour se faire portraiter, des bonnes portraiteurs augmenterons la mode de se faire portraiter. Je souhaite travailler à Londre mais pas pour ètablir un propre atelier – si je pouvais m’allier à un autre atelier, comme le vôtre, pour quelque tems, de manière comme le Directeur d’une theatre engage Jenny Lind & pour une saison. – [illegible deletion] je pouvais avec les autres artistes de votre atelier travailler et produire ce que l’alliance de diffèrents individues distingues puissent faire du bien. L’Alliance devoit être du profit pour vous, comme pour moi, et le public satisfait et contentè de voir recompenser nos efforts doublè.

Je ne viendrais pas sans renommè mon atelier à Francfort et ici avoit toujours beaucoup d’occupation, je faisais mon possible de produire le meilleur, qui ètoit reconnu des connaisseurs et amis des arts et du public, les gens de moyens ètoient ma clientique, je recevois toujours les plus hauts prix entre les Photographs de l’Allemagne et de l’Italie. 60 frs pour un portrait et grouppes de plusieurs personnes jusqu’a 600 frs. et je pens même les augmenter. – Beaucoup de Notabilitès de nos pays – se faisoient portraiter par moi – le grand ami de l’art le roi de Bavière – le grandduc hèritiè – le prince de Prusse – Ms de Radowitz Marechal Raditsky & – aussi beaucoup des Dames de la haute noblesse la grand duchesse heritier de la Russie – des princesses de Bavière, Hesse & – ou ma chère femme à l’arrangement des poses ètoit une agrèable aide. – Moi, ma chère femme et un neveu de 17 annèes un jeune homme de beaucoup de talent et bonne volontè nous vivons seuls et travaillons ensemble et cherchons à gagner de bons fruits de la semence de votre belle invention.

J’ai inventè une grand amèlioration de la parthie optique de la chambre noire et je serais heureux de [illegible deletion] vos conseils et sous votre cooperation faire executer mon idèe par un des mellieurs [sic] obliciens [sic] de Londre.

Je vous prie de vouloir me donner votre chère reponse par le retour du courrier

Monsieur, J’ai l’honneur dêtre Votre très devouè
Fr. Vogel

mon adresse
Fr. Vogel
albergo Reichmann

Monsieur H. Fox Talbot
inventeur de la Photographie sur papier

Lacock Abbey
en England
poste payè


26 April 1851

My very dear Mr Talbot!

I have received your precious letter from the 19th of January. I intended to send you several of my new works and, amongst other things, the portraits of celebrities which you wanted to have and which I have executed – I did not have an opportunity to send it to you as I had hoped, and I then came here to Milan in May 1850. I was invited to execute my art here. Following my inclination for Italian art and my desire to study it, and I established a studio here for Talbotype portraits.

The London Exhibition reminds me of your letter in which you say: “Would you desire to come to England and take photograph Portraits in London under my license?” There will be no shortage of people in London who want to have their portrait taken. Good portraitists will spread the fashion for having a portrait taken. I would like to work in London but not to establish my own studio – If I could form an alliance with another studio like yours for a time, in the same way as the theatre Director employs Jenny Lind & for a season. – I could work with the other artists in your studio and produce that which an alliance of various distinguished individuals does well. The Alliance should be profitable for you as well as for me, and the public happy and satisfied to see our combined efforts being rewarded.

I would not come without some renown. My studios here and in Frankfurt always had a lot of work I did all I could to produce the best, and this was recognised by experts and art lovers, as well as by the public. My clients were people of means. I always received the highest payments amongst German and Italian photographers. A portrait cost 60 francs and groups of several people cost up to 600 francs. And I am even thinking of raising the prices. Many of our country’s Dignitaries – had their portraits taken by me – the King of Bavaria who is a great art lover – the heir of the Grand-Duke Of Russia – the Prince of Prussia. – Messrs Radowitz, Field Marshal Radetsky & – there were also a lot of Ladies from the aristocracy; the heiress of the Grand Duchess of Russia – Princesses from Bavaria and Hessen & – where it was pleasant to have my dear wife’s help in arranging the poses. – My dear wife and I live with our nephew who is 17 years old. He is a young man with a great deal of talent and goodwill. We live alone and work together and are trying to reap fruit from the seed of your beautiful invention.

I have invented a great improvement to the optical part of the camera obscura and I would be happy to be able to have my idea executed by one of the best opticians in London with your advice and cooperation.

Please give me your precious reply by return of post

Sir, I have the honour to be Your very devoted
Fr. Vogel <1>

My address
Fr. Vogel

Mr H. Fox Talbot
Inventor of Photography on paper

Lacock Abbey
In England
Postage paid.


1. Vogel's name presents some confusioin. In The Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition (1851), v. 3, entry 739 his entry under Austria is erroneously 'Vogel, Carl Friedrich, Milan. Photographs'. This is the only Vogel entry for a photographer and must be the present writer. In Doc. No: 05252, he signed his name 'F. C. Vogel'; in Doc. No: 06185 he signed 'Fritz Vogel'; in Doc. No: 06452 'F. Vogel'.